Siamese Rat Colors
Siamese Rat Colors

9-day-old Seal Point Siamese (SPS) baby rats showing their brown coloring as babies. The body color will lighten and points
show up when they are around 6 weeks. Siamese babies can range from an overall brown like these, to having more brown on the
butts and heads with a lighter colored shoulder area. The more even and dark they are as babies, the better their adult color
will be. Rats owned and bred by Karen Robbins. Photo by Craig Robbins.
Siamese Rat Colors
Siamese Rat Colors

Color comparisons L-R between Seal Point Siamese (SPS), Russian Blue Point Siamese (RBPS), and a Blue Point Siamese (BPS)
rats. The SPS are brown, the RBPS are a darker gray with a grayish body color, and the BPS are lighter in point color with a
lighter off-white body color. All rats owned and bred by Nichol Royer. Photo by Karen Robbins.