April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Some of the AFRMA sales items.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Newco Lab Supply display of bedding and enrichment items.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Health check tables with heath checkers Karen Robbins and Nicole Housel. Health check was done outside at this show to give
us more room. Weather was very nice that day for this.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Karen Robbins health checking a Seal Point Siamese Dumbo rat with member Mark Romansky looking on.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
The sales table with Jeannine Porter and Geri Hauser.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Pet judging table with Esther Kinzer clerk, Craig Kinzer pet judge, Kaily Porter trainee, Karen Robbins rat judge.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Pet rat judge Craig Kinzer looking over a Russian Blue Berkshire Standard.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Most Affectionate rat adult “PXRR Gouda,” a Seal Pt. Siamese Dumbo owned and bred by Stephanie Wooding, Phoenix
Rising Rattery.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Most Affectionate rat Youth “BWR-II-24-2015-F26,” a Dalmatian Standard owned by Abigail Housel, bred by Nicole
Housel, Black Wolf Rattery.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Adult Biggest and Most Curious rat adult “RR09 JRPR Merlin, 08-01-2015,” a Black EI/I Bristle Coat Dumbo owned by
Irina Zabula, bred by Jozzette Hagemann, Jozzy’s Rat Pack Rattery. For the Most Curious Rat Merlin touched 10 of 10
items in 34 seconds.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Third place adult Curious Rat Table Contest “MBLU Kitkat,” a brown Russian Blue Dumbo owned and bred by Jeannine
Porter, Misty Blue Rattery. She touched 9 items in 1 minute.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Fourth place adult Curious Rat Table Contest “OS01 KK2199-2 Irma, 08-16-2015,” a Black Variegated Standard owned by
Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters. She touched 7 items in 1 minute.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
The pet judging table that is always popular with everyone.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Adult Most Laid Back rat “OS01 KK2198-2 Beatrix, 08-14-2015,” a Russian Blue Berkshire Standard owned by Irina
Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Pet rat judge Craig Kinzer looking over “MBLU Sherman,” a Fawn Blaze Berkshire Odd-Eye Dumbo owned and bred by
Jeannine Porter, Misty Blue Rattery.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Best Pet Rat adult “MBLU Wilhelm,” a Silver Blue Blaze Berkshire Dumbo owned and bred by Jeannine Porter, Misty
Blue Rattery.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Best Pet Rat youth “BWR-IV-10-2015-F33,” a Dalmatian Standard owned by Abigail Housel, bred by Nicole Housel, Black
Wolf Rattery.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Rat Race winner and Most Unusual Markings adult “OS01 KK2199-2 Irma, 08-16-2015,” a Black Variegated Standard owned
by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Best Rat Race youth “RR09 JRPR 020716 AD1,” an Agouti Standard owned by Jezzelle Hagemann, bred by Jozzette
Hagemann, Jozzy’s Rat Pack Rattery.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Best adult Photo “DBR Ilana” in “Rat Race” by Irina Zabula.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
The rat judging table with clerk Nicole Housel, judge Karen Robbins checking over a Silver Russian Dove rat, and Jozzette
Hagemann rat judge trainee.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Best Unstandardized rat “RR09 JRPR Balin,” a Silver Russian Dove Standard owned and bred by Jozzette Hagemann,
Jozzy’s Rat Pack Rattery.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Best Unstandardized Breeder (Unstd. Stud Buck) rat “RR09 JRPR Bedivere,” a Silver Russian Dove Satin owned and bred
by Jozzette Hagemann, Jozzy’s Rat Pack Rattery.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Best Kitten rat “RR09 JRPR 020716 MB1,” a Silver Mink Standard owned and bred by Jozzette Hagemann, Jozzy’s
Rat Pack Rattery.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Best Stud Buck rat “BWR-III-17-2015-M19,” a Black Variegated Standard, owned and bred by Nicole Housel, Black Wolf
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
First place AOV “MBLU Sherman” a Fawn Blaze Berkshire Odd-Eye Dumbo owned and bred by Jeannine Porter, Misty Blue
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Irina Zabula with a new Hairless rat friend.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Visitors finding a new rat friend.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Jeannine Porter calling the 50/50 drawing winning ticket.
April 9, 2016, AFRMA Spring Show
Getting a new best friend at the show.