AFRMA Rat & Mouse Links - Small Animal Organizations
Small Animal Organizations
- Association of Colorado Rat Enthusiasts (ACRE) - Colorado Rat Club
Promoting Responsible Handling of Rats Through Ethical Breeding & Care; founded 2006
- Fancy Mouse Breeders’ Association (FMBA) - a
fancy mouse club for East Coast and Midwest enthusiasts; founded 2013; publishes Mouse Minute
- Rat Fan Club - pet rat site founded in 1992 by the late Debbie Ducommun;
published Rat Report. Debbie also created Rat Assistance & Teaching Society (RATS) in 2003–2022 for veterinarians, pet shops, and shelters
and published Rat-a-tat Chat for that organization.
- RatsPacNW Rat Fanciers Club - a fancy rat club in the Pacific Northwest
(Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia, Canada)
- New South Wales Fancy Rat and Mouse
Club (NSWFRMC) - New South Wales, founded September 1996, longest running rat and mouse club in Australia; published Twitches magazine
- NSW Fancy Rodent Society, Inc. - Sydney-based rat and mouse club (was Australian
Rodent Fanciers’ Society of NSW Inc. AusRFS NSW); founded 2002; published Rodent Tales
- Queensland Rodent Fanciers (QRF) - formerly Australian Rodent Fanciers’
Society of Queensland, Inc. (AusRFS QLD); founded 2000
- New Zealand Fancy Rat Society (NZFRS) - founded 2024;
NZ Fancy Rat Society FB page. Home of the Registered Rat Breeders.
New Zealand is the originator of the Long Haired rats, known as fluffies/NZ Angora.

- Rodent Club Rattonia - fancy club in the Netherlands for
rodents and other small animals
- Club der Rattenfreunde Schweiz - Club of the rat friends Switzerland; founded February 1995;
publishes Ratten-Post
- Rattiamici (Rat Friends) - Italian rat club (cute pictures!)
- Specializovaná organizace chovatelu potkanu (ČSCH/SOCHP) - Specialized organization of rat breeders;
founded 2015
- Stowarzyszenie milosników i hodowców gryzoni - Rodent Club PL (Poland); founded June 13, 2017
- Český klub potkanů o.s. (CZKP) - Czech Fancy Rat Club; founded April 26, 2012;
publishes Já potkan (I’m a Rat)
- Základní organizace Chovatelů morčat a
jiných drobných hlodavců (ZO) - The Basic Organization of Breeders of Guinea pigs and
Other Small Rodents (Czech Cavy Club including rats, hamsters, and mice)
- Slovenský klub chovateľov a priateľov drobných hlodavcov - RODENTIA -
Slovak club breeders and friends of small rodents - RODENTIA; founded 2011
- Decorative Krysovodstva Club of St. Petersburg - Fancy Rat Club, St. Petersburg,
Russia; founded February 2001
- Moscow Club Of The Fanciers Of Decorative Rats - Moscow Fancy Rat Club,
Moscow, Russia; founded October 6, 2002
- South African Fancy Rat Association (SAFRA) - Supports ethical and compassionate
breeding to preserve and protect lines
- South African Rat Breeders Union (SARBU)
SARBU YouTube page - not a club, a union of independent breeders who
work towards a common goal to improve and preserve South African fancy rat varieties, established in 2006
- Rattenschutz- und Zuchtbund e.V. - Rat Protection and
Breeding Association - founded November 19, 2011
- Vereins der Rattenliebhaber und -halter in Deutschland e.V. (VdRD e.V) - Club of
Rat Fanciers and Breeders of Germany (in German) - founded 1993; publishes RattGeber
- Norway/Sweden/Finland/Denmark
- Norsk Tamrotte Forening (NTF) - Norwegian Rat
Association; founded 2003
- Svenska Mus Klubben (SVEMUS) - Swedish mouse club; founded 1987 as a
subdivision of the Swedish Rat Society, became an independent association in 1990. Publishes Husmusen membership magazine.
- Svenska Råttsällskapet (SRS) - Swedish Rat Society -
In Swedish only!; founded in 1983 as subdivision of Swedish Hamster Society, became independent beginning 1985; publishes
- Lemmikki- ja showkesyrotat ry (LSK ry) - Finnish Pet and Show Fancy Rats Association
(was Lounais-Suomen kesyrotat ry, Southwest Finland Domestic Rats Association; original club founded 1992; published Rapina; name change 2021)
- Suomen Kani- ja Jyrsijäliitto ry (SJKL) - Finnish Rabbit
and Rodent Breeders’ Federation; founded 1990
- Suomen Kesyrottayhdistys ry (SKeY ry) - Finnish Fancy Rat
Society (FFRS); founded 1988; publishes Rattus member magazine.
- Suomen Näyttely- ja Lemmikkihiiret ry (SNL) - Finnish Show & Pet Mice (Finnmouse) - founded 1994;
publishes Haisulit member magazine
- Dansk Mus & Gerbil Association (DMG) - Danish Association for Mice, Gerbils
and Jirds; founded 2014
- Dansk Tamrotte - Danish Pet Rat Forum
- London & Southern Counties Mouse & Rat Club (LSCMRC) founded February 5, 1916; has
published a newsletter since the early 1960s
- Midlands Rat Club (MRC) - founded 2001; publishes Rat-A-2-E club magazine
- National Fancy Rat Society (NFRS) - founded Jan. 13, 1976; publishes Pro-Rat-A
- National Mouse Club (NMC) - The oldest mouse club
in the world, founded in 1895. Publishes NMC News.
- South Eastern Mouse Club - Affiliated to the National
Mouse Club; founded 2011
- Fancy Mice Breeders - U.K. forum for breeders
and exhibitors of fancy mice.
- North of England Rat Society (NERS) - founded June 2001; publishes
Rattitude magazine
- Peninsula Rat Club (PRC) - previously known as the South West
Rat Club (SWRC), based in Devon and Cornwall, reformed 2023
- Irish Fancy Rat Association (IFRA) - IFRA forum
- Fukuoka-City Fancy-Rat Club (FCFRC) - Japanese Fancy Rat Club; founded 2018
- British Hamster Association (BHA)
- in England 1992–2007. Published a Journal.
- California Hamster Association (CHA) founded 2000 or
new site - United States
- National Hamster Council (NHC) - in England. The oldest hamster club in the world,
established 1949. Publishes NHC Journal.
- American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (ARBA) -
Information on Rabbits. Founded in 1910 as the National Pet Stock Association of America, name changed to National Breeders and Fanciers Association of America in 1917, then in 1925 became the American Rabbit Breeders Association. While it was the NPSAA and the NBFAA, they included mice and rats among other small animals. Publishes Domestic Rabbits.
- American Cavy Breeder’s Association (ACBA) -
Information on Cavy care (Guinea Pigs). Publishes JACBA (Journal of the American Cavy Breeders Association)
- Gerbils are illegal in California. Please visit these sites for information
on Gerbils.
- The American Gerbil Society (AGS) -
Dedicated to promoting interest in these wonderful pets. Founded 1998.
- National Gerbil Society (NGS) -
A British society for the promotion of Gerbils and Jirds as pets. Founded 1970.
- Opossums are not large rats nor are they rodents. Please visit these
sites for information on Opossums.
- The National Opossum Society (NOS) - Founded December 5, 1986. Publishes ’Possum Tales.
- The Opossum Society of the United States (OSUS) - Founded in 1986 as the Opossum Society of California.
Publishes ’Possum Prints.
Updated March 5, 2025