The show photos from the May 27, 2023, AFRMA Spring Show at the Woodcrest Community Center, Riverside, CA.

Welcome to the AFRMA Spring Show at the Woodcrest Community Center in Riverside, CA.

The rat and mouse awards.

The pet awards.

Some of the sales items.

More sales items.

OS01 KK2402-E Elijah, 02-07-22 a Pearl AOC Standard being judged in one of the pet rat classes. Rat owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

One of the Adult Pet Rat Classes.

Adult Most Affectionate rat OS01 KK2401-C Simon, 02-01-22 a Cinnamon AOC Rex, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

Adult Biggest rat OS01 KK2401-C Simon, 02-01-22 a Cinnamon AOC Rex, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

Adult Most Laid Back rat OS01 KK2401-D Daniel, 02-01-22 a Cinnamon tiny spot chest Rex, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

One of the heats of the Adult Rat Race, with OS01 KK2402-E Elijah, 02-07-22 a Pearl AOC Standard, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters, winning his heat. He came in 4th in the final heat.

One of the heats of the Adult Rat Race, with OSO1 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22 a Black Berkshire Standard, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters, winning his heat. He won the final heat.

Adult Rat Race winner was OSO1 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22 a Black Berkshire Standard, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

Adult Most Unusual Markings rat OSO1 KK2404-B Orion, 04-04-22 a Black Berkshire Standard, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

Adult Best Pet Rat OS01 KK2402-E Elijah, 02-07-22 a Pearl AOC Standard, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

Adult Best Pet Rat OS01 KK2402-E Elijah, 02-07-22 a Pearl AOC Standard, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

A Cinnamon Rex in the Adult Most Curious Rat class, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

A Cinnamon Rex in the Adult Most Curious Rat class, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

OS01 KK2402-E Elijah, 02-07-22 a Pearl AOC Standard in the Adult Most Curious Rat class, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

GANG 49 a B.E. Seal Point Siamese Standard in the Adult Most Curious Rat class, owned and bred by Aylett Priest, The Cheerio Gang.

GANG Fellowship #100a a Russian Blue Self Dumbo in the Adult Most Curious Rat class, owned and bred by Aylett Priest, The Cheerio Gang.

GANG 63b a Blue Self Standard in the Adult Most Curious Rat class, owned and bred by Aylett Priest, The Cheerio Gang.

Adult Most Curious Rat OSO1 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22 a Black Berkshire Standard, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

Adult Best Photos Hola by Craig Kinzer and Pollen and Porphyrin by Esther Kinzer. The public voted for their favorite.

Adult Best Photo Pollen and Porphyrin of George Michael, a Black Capped Standard rat, by Esther Kinzer.

Some of the Brood Doe rat class.

Best Brood Doe rat and 1st Black Self Standard RR11 BWR 3H1 a Black Self Standard, owned and bred by Nicole Housel, Black Wolf Rattery.

Stud Buck rat class.

Best Stud Buck rat RR11 BWR 2F3 Mink Self Standard, owned and bred by Nicole Housel, Black Wolf Rattery.

Best Self Standard rat RR11 BWR 2F3 a Mink Self, owned and bred by Nicole Housel, Black Wolf Rattery.

Best AOC Standard rat RR11 BWR 2F1 an Agouti, owned and bred by Nicole Housel, Black Wolf Rattery.

Best Essex Standard rat RR11 BWR 3L3 a Blue Agouti Essex, owned and bred by Nicole Housel, Black Wolf Rattery.

Comparing the tail length of the two Black Berkshire Standard rats. Rats owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen's Kritters.

Best Marked Standard rat OS01 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22 a Black Berkshire, owned by Irina Zabula, bred by Karen Robbins, Karen’s Kritters.

Best Standard rat RR11 BWR 2F3 a Mink Self, owned and bred by Nicole Housel, Black Wolf Rattery.

Best In Show Rat, Best Standard, Best Self: RR11 BWR 2F3 a Mink Self Standard, owned and bred by Nicole Housel, Black Wolf Rattery.

Mouse judging table. Five Black Self in front, 4 AOCP in back.

Best Self Standard mouse RM10 TRIL0219N-4 a Black, owned and bred by Linda von Hanneken, Trillium Fancy Mice.

AOCP Standard class mice. Two Blue Point Siamese, one Seal Point Siamese, one Blue Siamese Sable.

Best AOCP Standard mouse RM10 TRIL0196-3 a Blue Point Siamese, owned and bred by Linda von Hanneken, Trillium Fancy Mice.

Best Standard mouse RM10 TRIL0196-3 a Blue Point Siamese AOCP, owned and bred by Linda von Hanneken, Trillium Fancy Mice.

Best In Show, Best Standard, Best AOCP mouse RM10 TRIL0196-3 a Blue Point Siamese AOCP Standard, owned and bred by Linda von Hanneken, Trillium Fancy Mice.

Best In Show mouse RM10 TRIL0196-3 a Blue Point Siamese AOCP Standard, owned and bred by Linda von Hanneken, Trillium Fancy Mice.

The Farewell cake for Linda von Hanneken. This was her last show as she and her husband are moving out of the country. We will miss
her and all her mice at our shows.
Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks to all the exhibitors for their entries and to everyone who came by to visit the show that day.
It was great seeing everyone!
For those that missed this show, the next show will be the Fall Show on Nov. 11, 2023, at the Woodcrest Community
Center in Riverside, CA. See you there!
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