American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association

AFRMA Rat & Mouse Links - Small Animal Organizations

Small Animal Organizations

  • RATS and MICE
  • U.S.A.
  • Rat Fan Club - pet rat site founded in 1992 by the late Debbie Ducommun; published Rat Report. Debbie also created Rat Assistance & Teaching Society (RATS) in 2003–2022 for veterinarians, pet shops, and shelters and published Rat-a-tat Chat for that organization.
  • Australia
  • Europe/Russia/Africa
  • South African Fancy Rat Association (SAFRA) - Supports ethical and compassionate breeding to preserve and protect lines
  • South African Rat Breeders Union (SARBU) SARBU YouTube page - not a club, a union of independent breeders who work towards a common goal to improve and preserve South African fancy rat varieties, established in 2006
  • Germany
  • Norway/Sweden/Finland/Denmark
  • United Kingdom/Ireland
  • Hamsters
  • Rabbit and Cavy
  • American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (ARBA) - Information on Rabbits. Founded in 1910 as the National Pet Stock Association of America, name changed to National Breeders and Fanciers Association of America in 1917, then in 1925 became the American Rabbit Breeders Association. While it was the NPSAA and the NBFAA, they included mice and rats among other small animals. Publishes Domestic Rabbits.
  • American Cavy Breeder’s Association (ACBA) - Information on Cavy care (Guinea Pigs). Publishes JACBA (Journal of the American Cavy Breeders Association)
  • Gerbils
  • Gerbils are illegal in California. Please visit these sites for information on Gerbils.
  • The American Gerbil Society (AGS) - Dedicated to promoting interest in these wonderful pets. Founded 1998.
  • National Gerbil Society (NGS) - A British society for the promotion of Gerbils and Jirds as pets. Founded 1970.
  • Opossums

Updated December 15, 2024