AFRMA Rat & Mouse Links - Veterinarian/Research & Medical
- Veterinarian/Research & Medical Sites
- Market Watch Guides - lists several Pet Insurance companies that includes exotics
- United Pet Care - Pet insurance alternative, pet health care savings program
at a flat monthly fee for their members
- VPI/Nationwide - Veterinary Pet Insurance - The Nation’s #1 Pet
Medical Insurance Plan. Includes mice and rats in their plans.
- Allentown Inc. - Cages and equipment for animal care
- Alternative Design - Lab animal housing solutions
- Ancare - Systems and supplies for animal care (read reviews on
the Bottle House, Nestlets Bedding,
and Nestlets for nesting)
- - Lab cages for
- Innovive, Inc. - Disposable lab cages
- Labex of MA - Used lab cages at reasonable prices (formerly Lab4Less)
- Lab Products - Laboratory animal housing and care equipment
- Lenderking - Caging products
- Lithgow Laboratory Services - Animal products for the
research industry
- Suburban Surgical - Stainless steel equipment and cages
- Tecniplast USA - Equipment and cages from Italy
(read reviews on the Tecniplast Mouse House™ and
lab cages)
- Thoren Caging Systems - Cages and equipment for animal care
- Also, look for used lab cages and equipment on eBay
- Color Genes - Mouse coat color genes from
The International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies (IFPCS).
- The Color Loci of Mice – A Genetic Century - by Dorothy C. Bennett
and M. Lynn Lamoreux. PIGMENT CELL RES 16: 333–344. 2003. (PDF)
- The Jackson Laboratory JAX - A world leader in the genetics revolution.
- Lick Your Rats - epigenetics; nurtured
rats calmer as adults, from University of Utah Health Sciences
- Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) - Data on the genetics,
genomics, and biology of the laboratory mouse.
- NIH Rat Genomics and Genetics
- Rat Genome Database
- “Genetic architecture of tameness in a rat model of
animal domestication” from Genetics, 2009 Jun;182(2):541-54. or full PDF version.
- “The non-agouti mutation in Norway rats
(Rattus norvegicus) selected for behavior” from Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2013, 91(3): 111-117.
Nice Rats, Nasty Rats: Maybe It’s All in
the Genes
by Nicholas Wade, Published: July 25, 2006, The New York Times
Aggression in Norway rats
from the
Rat Behavior and Biology page
Coat color, temperament and domestication of
Norway rats and deermice
from the Rat Behavior and Biology page
Temper &
Tameness In Rats
Eva Johansson,
26th of February 2004
Rat Aggression
Scale - Social Behavior In The Rat
by Anders Starmark & Eva Johansson, 8 March, 2008.
Rat temperament
and behavior - problems
Eva Johansson
8 March, 2008
- Places that do Genetic Testing:
- IDEXX BioAnalytics (University of Missouri, Research Animal Diagnostic
Laboratory (IDEXX RADIL)) - Animal Health Monitoring,
Serology Services,
Real-Time PCR Profiles (testing for bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites),
- Taconic - Genotyping
and Genetic Analysis state-of-the-art molecular characterization assays
- Health:
- Places to check for Veterinarians:
- Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians (AEMV)
Critters USA magazine PDF or in the Current Critters USA print magazine “Directory of
- The Rat Fan Club Midwest and Eastern U.S. and
Western U.S. and other countries
- Recommended Vets for Arizona on the
Any Rat Rescue site
- Exotic Vets for the East Coast (CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) on the
Mainely Rat Rescue site
- Financial Assistance For Veterinary Care
- Animal Diagnostic Laboratory (ADL) - Providing world-class pathology
expertise in a cost effective manner. Board certified pathologists with expertise in rats, mice, and other
pocket pets. Located in California.
- California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory
Diagnostic Services - from UC Davis Veterinary Medicine with locations
in Davis, Turlock, Tulare, and San Bernardino.
- IDEXX BioResearch - University of Missouri (was Research Animal Diagnostic
Laboratory RADIL), The Advantage Program
- Research Associates Laboratory (RAL) - providing state of the art molecular diagnostics since 1992, located
in Allen, TX. Does Small Mammal testing using swabs or blood
- Sound Diagnostics LLC, a private veterinary diagnostic
laboratory in Woodinville, Washington, that develops and provides assays for the detection of infectious agents
in small mammals.
- University Animal Care - from the University of Arizona. Does
pathology and diagnostics.
- Veterinary
Diagnostic Laboratory - from the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Provides diagnostic
medical testing for infectious agents, toxins, and other causes of disease
- Veterinary Molecular Diagnostics, Inc. - molecular-based diagnostics for veterinary medicine,
mostly avian but does some ferret and small mammal testing, located in Milford, OH
- Zoologix - molecular diagnostic testing for animals including
rodents and rabbits, located in Chatsworth, CA
- Animal Diagnostic Laboratory (ADL) - Providing world-class pathology
expertise in a cost effective manner. Board certified pathologists with expertise in rats, mice, and other
pocket pets. Located in California.
- Bio-Serv - Rodent
medicated diets and tablets, etc.
- California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory
Diagnostic Services - from UCDavis Veterinary Medicine with locations
in Davis, Turlock, Tulare, and San Bernardino.
- Diseases A-Z: Exotic from
Pet MD - has several health articles for rats
- Diseases of Laboratory
Rodents - archived page from the University of Arizona/University Animal Care.
Also, does
pathology and diagnostics
- Diseases of Research Animals (DORA)
- from University of Missouri, Comparative Medicine Program and IDEXX-BioResearch with
Rats and
- First Aid for Small Furries -
Critical Care of Rats and other small animals in the Home.
- Guide to Diseases Spread by Animals by Wildlife Removal
- Infectious
Agent Information - Technical sheets for viruses, bacteria/fungi, and parasites prevalent today and historically from
Charles River Laboratories - [NOTE: as of Jan. 24. 2025 Charles River
no longer provides diagnostic testing services outside the research field]
- Mouse and Rat Anesthesia and Analgesia - from Current
Protocols, Neuroscience section, Sang Su Oh, Heather L. Narver, 2024
- The Heartland Institute - Naturally occurring mutagens and carcinogens found in foods and beverages.
- IDEXX BioAnalytics - University of Missouri (was Research Animal Diagnostic Laboratory
The Merck Veterinary Manual - Has several articles on
pet rats and
pet mice, and
rat and mouse health issues.
- Plants Toxic to Animals - from
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Veterinary Medicine Library (archived page)
- Some food toxic for pets - by Natália Kovalkovicová, Irena Šutiaková,
Juraj Pistl, and Václav Šutiak, Interdiscip Toxicol. 2009 Sep; 2(3): 169–176.
- Sound Diagnostics LLC, a private veterinary diagnostic
laboratory in Woodinville, Washington, that develops and provides assays for the detection of infectious agents
in small mammals.
- The Scientist - Man-made and natural carcinogens—putting the risks in perspective. Originally published in Veterinary and Human Toxicology, 31 (6) p.589-590, 1989.
- Veterinary
Diagnostic Laboratory - from the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Provides diagnostic
medical testing for infectious agents, toxins, and other causes of disease.
- Zoonotic
Diseases - diseases and infections which are naturally transmitted between vertebrate animals and man. From the
UCSB web site; go to
list of diseases by species.
- General Biology, Care, and Housing:
- A Guide To How Animals Sleep by Rose MacDowell
of Sleepopolis
- Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) - part of the United States
Department of Agriculture. The AWIC provides information for improved animal care and use in research, testing,
teaching, and exhibition.
- Information Resources
on the Care and Welfare of Rodents - Compiled by Richard L. Crawford, D.V.M, AWIC Resource Series No. 37, December 2006 (PDF)
- Comfortable Quarters for Mice in Research
Institutions - by Chris M. Sherwin. This article emphasizes housing mice under conditions more suited to their
own species-specific needs.
- Comfortable Quarters for Rats
in Research Institutions - by Monica M. Lawlor. This article’s emphasis is on behavioral considerations in
the care of lab rats.
- Environmental
Enrichment for Rats - by Dr. Emily Patterson-Kane, University of British Columbia
- Variables, Refinement
and Environmental Enrichment for Rodents and Rabbits kept in Research Institutions - by Viktor and Annie Reinhardt, 2006, Animal
Welfare Institute (PDF)
- Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC)
Environmental Enrichment in Rodents - by
Heleen A. van de Weerd and Vera Baumans, Department of Laboratory Animal Science, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Environmental enrichment for laboratory mice: preferences and consequences -
by Weerd, Heleen Ariane van de, (2001) Utrecht University Repository
- The Jackson Laboratory JAX - A world leader in the genetics revolution.
- Meeting the Needs
Of Captive Mice and Their Caretakers - by Margaret E. Wallace. The Cambridge Cage, not only meets species-specific needs, but
also meets the convenience needs of their caretakers. (archived page)
- The Merck Manual for Pet Health - Has several articles on
rats and
- Mouse Husbandry, breeding and development. -
From the University of Irvine, Transgenic Mouse Facility (archived page).
- Rat Behavior and Biology - Articles about rat behavior and biology by
Anne Hanson, M.S., Ph.D.
- Rat Handout - compiled by
Dr. James B. Nichols, University Veterinarian, Florida Atlantic University. Has a Rat Formulary table.
- Sound Diagnostics LLC, a private veterinary diagnostic
laboratory in Woodinville, Washington, that develops and provides assays for the detection of infectious agents
in small mammals. Rodent
Infections included
in their rodent serology panels.
- Mouse Biomethodology - (PDF)
from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
Rat Biomethodology - (PDF)
from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
- A Home For A Mouse -
by Monica Lawlor. How to care for mice in order to ensure a humane quality of life based on their needs. (archived site)
- Braintree Scientific - lab research products
enrichment products,
plastic rat models for surgery training, etc.)
- Drs. Foster & Smith’s Pet Education Center -
A comprehensive site for pet care. Go to Mice
or Rats pages
- Lab Animal -
A magazine for the research industry.
- NetVet and Electronic Zoo - Lots of info and links.
Go directly to the Rodent section.
- Rat Anatomy - from Rebecca Irwin,
Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Tennessee at Martin. Has
photos of parts of a dissected rat. (archive page, missing answers)
- Veterinary
- part of VIN–Veterinary Information Network;
see also VSPN–Veterinary Support Personnel Network for Veterinary information
- VWR - Sells bedding, cages (including Maryland Plastics brand), enrichment items,
food, supplements and treats (including Love Mash™ for
reproductive performance, medications (including doses in food tablets/food by
Bio-Serv), etc.
- Whole Mouse Catalog -
Information and links for mouse research. (archived page)
- Barbiturate sleeptime in mice exposed
to autoclaved or unautoclaved wood beddings by Terrie L. Cunliffe-Beamer, Lisa C. Freeman, and David
D. Myers, published in Laboratory Animal Science 31(6), 672-675.
- “Cytotoxicity and
biotransformation inducing activity of rodent beddings: A global survey using the Hepa-1 assay” by
Kai H.O Pelkonen, Osmo O.P Hänninen. Toxicology Volume 122, Issues 1–2, 26 September 1997,
Pages 73–80.
- The Dangers of Softwood Shavings
by George Flentke, Ph.D., House Rabbit Society Web Site.
- Decrease in hepatic drug-metabolizing
enzyme activities after removal of rats from pine bedding. by Davey A.K., Fawcett J.P., Lee S.E., Chan K.K.,
Schofield J.C. in Comp Med. 2003 Jun;53(3):299–302.
- Evaluation of Cage Micro-Environment of Mice Housed on Various Types of
Bedding Materials. by Smith E., Stockwell J.D., Schweitzer I., Langley S.H., Smith A.L. Contemp Top
Lab Anim Sci. 2004 Jul;43(4):12–17. (PDF)
- Exposure to an environment containing the aromatic
red cedar, Juniperus virginiana: procarcinogenic, enzyme-inducing and insecticidal effects.
by J.R. Sabine in Toxicology. 1975 Nov;5(2):221–35.
- Induction of Drug-Metabolizing
Enzymes in Liver Microsomes of Mice and Rats by Softwood Bedding by Elliot S. Vesell in Science
1 September 1967: Vol. 157. no. 3792, pp. 1057–1058.
- “Litterboxes
and Liver Disease.” Harriman, Marinell (1989). House Rabbit Journal I (12): 8-9.
- Physiological Effects of
Softwoods on Respiratory and Liver Function - An article from the Department of Biology at
Davidson College, Davidson, NC. (archived page)
- Respiratory toxicity of cedar and pine wood - A review of the biomedical literature from 1986 through 1995. Written by Jeff Johnston, doctoral candidate in epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (archived page)
- The Toxicity of Pine and Cedar Shavings
by Debbie “The Rat Lady” Ducommun.
- Use Of Cedar As A Substrate and
More on the use of pine in captive herp environments -
by Melissa Kaplan. The effects of cedar and pine on birds and reptiles.
- Wood Dust Exposure and Squamous Cell
Cancers of the Upper Respiratory Tract by Thomas L. Vaughan and Scott Davis, American Journal of Epidemiology
Vol. 133, No. 6: 560-564.
- Wood Shavings
- The problem with cedar and pine shavings as pet bedding and litter.
- Photos of paper beddings,
wood beddings,
misc. beddings, and
pelleted beddings.
Updated March 5, 2025