This article is from the Mar./Apr. 1988 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Ann Storey
Contributed by Nick Mays, President, National Fancy Rat Society, England. First published in No. 40 July/August 1987 edition of Pro-Rat-a, the NFRS Journal.
Written by Chris Henwood
Published by Ian Henry Publications Ltd.
Price in 1987: £5.5O
Copyright 1985
ISBN 0 86025 898 X
Anyone who has ever kept any of the more exotic rodents will know the lack of information available about them. A handbook of this type is therefore long overdue.
This is an excellent little book filled with concise information on all the
common and many of the uncommon species of rodents kept in captivity. It gives
information on care and breeding, feeding, natural habitats, housing, and possible
hazards of keeping wild animals. There is a section on rats in the book including
a picture of a very handsome Black Rex buck. Anybody interested in retaining
the more exotic rodent species would be advised to obtain a copy as there is
nothing else available like it at this price and precious little at any price.
Chris has scored a winner here.