Lots of neat stuff for Rat and Mouse Lovers!
(Click on a title to get detailed information)
Please contact AFRMA for orders of mixed items for PayPal option. List items wanted and quantities plus shipping address in your e-mail.
Return Address Labels - Rats | |
Bumper Stickers Clearance Price! |
Award Bumper Stickers Clearance Price! |
AFRMA Note Cards: Rat Cards Mouse Cards Christmas Cards |
AFRMA Notepaper Pack: Chinese New Year Rat/Mouse Set Rat Set Mouse Set |
Birth Certificate |
Pedigree Forms | |
AFRMA Publications Book Bundles Breeding book Rat Genetics Book Mouse Genetics Book Rat Color Standards Book Mouse Color Standards Book Newly updated! Standards Book Newly Updated! Directory Sold Out Jr. Showmanship Handbook |
Rat Health Care book |
Critters USA® magazine Clearance Sale! |
To Sales Catalog Page 2 (posters, lab blocks)
To Sales Catalog - Collectibles
To Sales Catalog - Collectibles, Other Critters