This article is from the WSSF 2015 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Karen Robbins
AFRMA has received several complaints over the years regarding the care of animals by individuals or breeders. AFRMA is a fancy/showing club and while we have great concerns over any person not taking proper care of their animals, we can not physically check out members in question, but rather the local humane society/animal control/SPCA needs to be contacted by the person with the allegations/witness to the conditions. If a member is legally charged/convicted with animal abuse/cruelty, then with copies of the legal documents, we could revoke a person’s membership or ban them from future membership.
If a breeder is not taking care of their animals/hoarder/cruelty to animals/animal abuse, then local authorities need to be contacted so they can physically visit the person in question to see if the allegations are correct and take measures if needed.
Some people just need educating on the proper care of rats and mice to correct their ways (our web site and local authorities can do this), others can get overwhelmed and let things get out of control to where they need help on the number of animals they have and this is where the local authorities can step in and help, where others should never be allowed to have pets of any kind. Unfortunately, there are many people that even with charges brought against them and convicted, will still find ways to get more animals and continue the problems.
If you have concerns about a person in your area, please contact
the local authorities in regards to your concerns/complaints.