This article is from the WSSF 2008 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Karen Robbins
Deedee Veluz, e-mail
QI have two mice that we got at Petco. They are both
females named Minnie and Sassy, but today Minnie died. I had Minnie
for 6 months. What should I do with a lonely mouse? To let you know
I live in Barrow but we don’t have money to go out of town to
get another mouse for Sassy. Oh yeah, I am 13 years old.
AMice do not do well alone unless it is a male. You
can give lots of toys, hay, and play with them but it’s not the
same as a rat. They aren’t people oriented like rats are so don’t
get the same from human interaction as a rat would. It is best if
you could try and get a couple more female mice to be companions for Sassy.