This article is from the WSSF 2016 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
Emma Woodhouse, Facebook
Q I have two female fancy mice and have noticed this morning that one has a red mark on her shoulder. I’m
not sure whether she has rubbed or caught it, whether the other mouse has done it, or whether she might have lice. What is most likely? I
have only ever used paper bedding, have not changed their diet, and have not seen them fighting. Thanks!
A Hard to tell in the photos but are there any scabs or is it wet/oozy in the red patch? This doesn’t look like the other mouse chewed it bare (they usually chew the whiskers/face). If there are scabs or it is wet/oozy, she needs to have a vet take a look at her to give an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Ulcerative dermatitis is one condition where they can have bare spots like this that just get worse. Other causes of bare spots are parasites, an allergy to the bedding or food, a fungus or bacteria, or other genetic condition. A vet can let you know what is causing her bare red spot. Karen Robbins
UPDATE: The red mark has pretty much gone now. It’s more like a patch of hard skin now that feels rough and dry to touch. It doesn’t seem to be bothering her at all. Should I just leave it or do you think a vet or treatment is needed? Thanks.
If it seems to be healing, you might want to give it a few more days to see if it completely heals up, otherwise a trip to the vet is in order. Karen Robbins
A Very cute mouse. Based on what you wrote and the pictures, my thoughts are this is traumatic. Your veterinarian would be the best to tell; however, it appears to be healing with benign neglect. If it does not resolve or you have concerns, have your veterinarian examine your mouse. Carmen J. Booth, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Neomi Raynard, Facebook
Q I am just now getting into breeding mice. I think my female is about to give birth but I’m not sure,
she has a big belly. I got her about two weeks ago from a local breeder who had been sick and needed to sell all of her mice. My girl is 14
weeks old. She is starting to lose a patch of fur near her left hip.The patch seems to be getting bigger and bigger.
A It could be from getting rubbed on something or possibly ringworm (hard to tell in the photo if there
are any sores on the skin). We have an article on the web site Ringworm on Mice
. The
Fancy Mice Breeders forum has several articles on ringworm and there is an article
on the ECMA site Dealing with Ringworm
in Mice
. Breeders have used tea tree oil mixed into water as a spray, athlete’s foot powder, or other antifungal product to
treat their mice with ringworm. Not sure if they are safe to use on pregnant/nursing animals though. A vet would be able to tell you for
sure what it is and the proper treatment for a pregnant mouse. Karen Robbins
A Karen is correct, it is impossible to tell from the photo. I would have your veterinarian take a good history
and look at the skin. The differential diagnosis is too long to list here and I think I have written up alopecia previously [see the
and Ringworm
sections of the Health Care pages for some alopecia causes,
Ed.] The differential includes: barbering, ulcerative dermatitis, trauma, ectoparasites, autoimmune disease, and any other cause of skin
disease. Carmen J. Booth, D.V.M., Ph.D.