Rodent Regulations In California
Department of Fish and Game Manual No. 671 (2/25/92) p. 4
(J) Order Rodentia—Hamster, Field Mice, Voles,
Muskrats, Gerbils, Squirrels, Chipmunks, Woodchucks,
and Prairie Dogs.
All species prohibited except:
- Ondatra zibethica (Muskrats)- Not prohibited under
conditions set forth in Fish and Game Code Section 2250;
- Domesticated races of golden hamsters of the species
Mesocricetus aruatus and domesticated races of dwarf
hamsters of the Genus Phoaopus [Russian/Siberian] not
prohibited and exempt from permit requirements;
- Domesticated races of rats and mice (white or albino;
trained, dancing or spinning, laboratory-reared) not
prohibited and exempt from permit requirement;
- Domesticated races of guinea pigs of the species Cavia
porcellus not prohibited and exempt from permit requirements;
- Domesticated races of chinchillas of the species
Chinchilla laniger not prohibited and exempt from permit

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