AFRMA - Fancy Rat & Mouse Acronyms and Abbreviations
Breeding Terms |
Buck | Male rat or mouse |
Doe | Female rat or mouse |
Kitten | baby rat or mouse |
Stud | Male rat or mouse; collection of animals owned by a breeder |
Rattery | Collection of rats owned by a breeder |
Mousery | Collection of mice owned by a breeder |
Show Terms |
Ad. | Adult |
Am. | American |
AOC | Any Other Color |
AOCP | Any Other Color Pattern |
AOV | Any Other Variety |
B. “Self” | Best “Self” |
BB | Bareback |
BC | Bristle Coat |
BCD | Bristle Coat Dumbo |
B.E. | Black-Eyed |
Berk. | Berkshire |
BES | Black-Eyed Siamese |
BEW | Black-Eyed White |
BIS | Best In Show |
Blk. | Black |
Blz. | Blaze |
BOA | Best Opposite Age |
BPS | Blue Point Siamese |
BSS | Blue Siamese Sable  |
Burm. | Burmese |
B/W | Black/White |
Ch. | Champion |
Chp. | Champagne |
Cinn. | Cinnamon |
cond. | condition |
conf. | conformation |
Dal. | Dalmatian |
D.E. | Dark-Eyed |
dk. | dark |
DNF | did not finish |
DQ/disq. | disqualification |
DU | Down Under |
e/d | Elim./Disq. |
EI | English Irish |
EI/I | English Irish/Irish |
elim. | eliminated |
EX | Excellent |
F | Fair |
fem. | feminine |
FEO | For Exhibition Only |
FG | Fairly Good |
FP | Fairly Poor |
FR | Frizzie |
FRS | Frizzie Satin |
FRZ | Frizzled |
ft. | foot/feet |
G. Ch. | Grand Champion |
G or GD | Good |
hd. | head |
Himi | Himalayan |
HR | Hairless |
HRD | Hairless Dumbo |
hs | head spot; also known as a star |
hvy. | heavy |
kit. | kitten |
L | left  |
LH | Long Hair |
LHS | Long Hair Satin |
line under | line down the center of the belly where the hairs meet |
lt. | light |
Mkd. | Marked |
mkgs. | markings |
mzl. | muzzle |
MV | Multi-Variety |
NA | Not Applicable |
NP | Not Placed |
nrw. | narrow |
o/b | owner/breeder; owned by/bred by |
O-E | Odd-Eye |
P | Poor |
P.E. | Pink-Eyed |
PEB | P.E. Blue |
PB | Powder Blue |
PEW | Pink-Eyed White |
Plat. | Platinum |
Pot. Breeder or Pot. Br. | Potential Breeder |
pt./pts. | point/points |
R | right  |
RB | Russian Blue |
RBIS | Reserve Best In Show |
RBPS | Russian Blue Point Siamese |
R-up | Runner-up |
sm. | small |
SPS | Seal Point Siamese |
sq. | square |
Std. | Standard |
thin under | lacking thick belly fur |
u/8 | under 8; under eight weeks of age |
u/c | undercolor; color of hair next to skin |
Unstd. | Unstandardized |
v. | very |
Var. | Variegated |
VG | Very Good |
wht. | white |
wtt | white tail tip |
xw | age in weeks; e.g. 7w=7 weeks |
xwxd | age in weeks, days; e.g. 7w3d=7 weeks 3 days |
| |
dog bone shape | big shoulders, skinny middle, big rear O=O |
hat ears | normal ears that point at an angle to the side rather than forward |
key shape | same width shoulders and middle with big rear <3==O |
Updated June 9, 2024