This article is from the WSSF 2010 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Hattie McRattie
Written by Gisela Bulla
Photographs by Christine Steimer
Illustrations by György Jankovics
Original title of book in German: Ratten
Published by Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.,
250 Wireless Blvd., Hauppauge, NY 11788
Copyright 1999, 63 Pages
ISBN: 0-7641-0940-5
Being published by BARRON’S, I expected another quality pet rat book. Unfortunately, I was sorrowfully disappointed. With yellow highlighter in hand, I made it only to page 6 before I was compelled to use it. By the time I finished the book, more than half of the book was yellow!
The author, Dr. Gisela Bulla, has a Ph.D. in archeology and is a lecturer
and freelance writer. She is an . . . activist animal protectionist
and opponent of animal research. She is author of numerous animal
books about cats, rats, and pet ownership.
Although this book was translated from German to English, that does
not account for the poor information. There is not enough room to
note all the discrepancies but, I can give a couple of examples. Rats
are large mice.
(p. 9); Pine Bedding: Bedding (pine wood
shavings) from the pet store is the best choice for rats.
(p. 16).
It is possible this is the way rats are cared for in other parts
of the world but the suggestions made in this publication go against
what we recommend in the United States. It is this reviewer’s
opinion you don’t buy this book. Instead, buy your rat a neat toy.