American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association

This article is from the WSSF 2014 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.

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Mouse History Books

By Karen Robbins

Rat reading book

Cait Walgate, Humbug Stud, England, Facebook
Walter Maxey founded the NMC in 1895, and I find the historical side of things interesting. I suppose you could say that I collect mouse books, articles, and so on about the fancy. I don’t know if you have already seen/got this book, but there’s a full copy of the fifth edition of C.J. Davies’ book Fancy Mice (1912) online. And, from 1915, U.S. based, Standard of perfection for rabbits, cavies, mice, rats & skunks. Also, Experimental studies of the inheritance of color in mice by C.C. Little, 1913 from the book Reversion In Guinea-pigs and its Explanation; Experimental Studies of the Inheritance of Color in Mice.

I too am very much into the history of the fancy and have been collecting books for many years, and in recent years expanded to newspaper articles (PDF) and old magazines (Fur & Feather, All-Pets). Because of this I have found back in the late 1800s/early 1900s there were clubs here in the U.S.A. that had shows on the East Coast/Midwest based after the N.M.C. (the American Mouse Club, American Mouse Fancier’s club, National Pet Stock Association of America/National Breeders and Fanciers Association of America/now the American Rabbit Breeders Association; then in the 1960s another American Mouse Club based in California that Richard Pfarr was involved with [wrote the book Modern American Mouse in 1962]), and stock was imported many times, so what we are doing now is not the first for this country.

Yep, found the C.J. Davies’ book online a while ago and have it on our Book List. Would love to get a real copy though.

Thanks for the info on the Experimental Studies one. I didn’t have that one. This book has the colored plates of mouse colors that I found in posters on Vintage Printable web site with the real plate 1 in another place.

I do have the Standard of Perfection for the National Pet Stock Association (now the ARBA; also comes in a 1920 version) and the one for the American Fur Fanciers’ Association 1915. The AFFA Standards has drawings of the different markings of mice, one labeled Holstein that we would call a Banded with head spot now. These various Standards I have on a History section of the book page. I will eventually have them along with the various clubs’ information on a History of the Fancy page [page now online 2017]. *

Updated December 13, 2024