American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association

AFRMA Fancy Rats - Unstandardized

AFRMA Accepted Proposed Animals. These are in the process of being standardized in AFRMA. See Fancy Rat Genes for possible genetics.

For complete details of these Standards including points, faults, and disqualifications, please refer to the AFRMA Show Regulations & Standards book.

Note: The pictures on this page are not meant to be true representatives of the animal’s color. Because of differences in monitors (CRT/LCD) and how the monitor is adjusted, the colors may be different. Seeing in person is always best.

D’Argent • Silver Russian Dove

D’ARGENT - Silver tipping 15, undercolor 15, coat texture 10, evenness of silver tipping 5, facial mask 5
D’Argent rats to be shown in Black, Chocolate, Mink, or Russian Blue only. Eye color to correspond to the base color. Rats to have a solid undercolor with silver-white tips to the hairs giving an overall heavily silvered look. Rats will also have a facial mask (darker muzzle and eye area). Coat to have a soft, silky feel with a sheen. Color, mask, and development like the D’Argent/Argenté rabbits. Not to be confused with silvered, Roan, or Frosted. To be shown in AOC class only.

Faults: Molting, patchy, uneven, or not enough silvering; too much undercolor showing through.

Genetics: unknown (dominant gene); pheomelanin (red) colors are diluted

[Accepted into Unstandardized January 26, 2019]

Note: D’Argent rats are similar to Roan in that they will get more white as they age; however, rather than having silvered and non-silvered hairs, their coat will have the tips that look white with a solid undercolor. White tips disappear when wet just showing the dark undercolor because of the translucent effect of the gene. The illusion of light reflecting through the translucent hair shaft is what gives D’Argent the silvered look.

Babies start out a normal color then get the silver tips as soon as their fur starts to come in or as late as around 12 weeks of age that increases with age until the tips of the hairs are all white leaving a dark facial mask. Rats that have an intense degree of silver tips at a young age generally tend to be heavily silvered into old age. Silver tips comes in various degrees from heavily silvered to very lightly silvered. D’Argent to D’Argent breedings produce the best examples of this mutation.

Originated from pet shop/feeder stock by Derek Berrier/Jessica Jones Cashwell (Kadru’s Clutch/Squeaks and Nibbles), Hampstead, North Carolina, 2012; as well as in other locations during the same time; a.k.a. Silvermane.

AFRMA articles:
Agouti D’Argent Rat
A 7-week-old Agouti D’Argent male owned and bred by Nikki Kimura. Photo ©2015 Karen Robbins. The silver tips are hard to tell on the diluted agouti color so Agouti will not be recognized.

Agouti D’Argent Rat undercolor
A 12-week-old Agouti D’Argent male owned and bred by Nikki Kimura. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins. The undercolor is dark like Agouti but the silver tips are hard to tell on the diluted agouti color.

Black D’Argent Rat
A 7-week-old Black D’Argent male owned and bred by Nikki Kimura. Photo ©2015 Karen Robbins.

Black D’Argent Rat undercolor
The undercolor of the 7-week-old Black D’Argent male owned and bred by Nikki Kimura. Photo ©2015 Karen Robbins.

Mink D’Argent Rat
A Mink D’Argent female owned and bred by Nikki Kimura. Photo ©2015 Nikki Kimura.

Russian Blue D’Argent Rat
A Russian Blue D’Argent male owned and bred by Nikki Kimura. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins.

Russian Blue D’Argent Rat undercolor
The undercolor of the Russian Blue D’Argent male owned and bred by Nikki Kimura. The undercolor isn’t as striking of a difference with the silverish tips as the black. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins.

Black D’Argent Rat
An 11-month-old adult male Black D’Argent owned and bred by Nicole Housel. There is more undercolor showing through at this age and the silverish tips aren’t as bright but the mask is still distinct. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins.
SILVER RUSSIAN DOVE - Color to be a warm dove with ticking throughout (similar to the Russian Blue ticking) with silver-white hairs evenly distributed throughout the coat. Not to be confused with Silver Mink or Silver Lilac. Eye color is black.

[Accepted into Unstandardized 1-30-16]

Note: These are not Russian Dove Pearl as they don’t have the light undercolor. Shows best as kittens and young adults.
11-week-old Silver Russian Dove Rat
Silver Russian Dove rat (11 weeks old) owned and bred by Jozzette Hagemann. Photo ©2015 Karen Robbins.

5-month-old Silver Russian Dove Rat
...and the rat from above at 5 months old. Silver Russian Dove male owned and bred by Jozzette Hagemann. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins.

For details on the Unstandardized Class, see the AFRMA New Standards/Unstandardized page.

Go to the AFRMA Non-Recognized Colors, Markings, & Coats rat page.

For complete details of the Standards including points, faults, eliminations, and disqualifications, please refer to the AFRMA Show Regulations & Standards book.

Purchase the AFRMA Official Color Standards Rat book.

Updated February 17, 2025