American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association

AFRMA Fancy Rats - Non-Recognized Colors, Markings, & Coats

Some miscellaneous colors and markings of rats that have been produced by AFRMA breeders/seen at AFRMA shows but never standardized. There are many more out there. See Fancy Rat Genes for possible genetics.

AGOUTI POINT SIAMESE - An agouti version of Seal Point Siamese but with agouti points rather than rich dark sepia points. Eye color is red.

Genetics: A– chch

Note: At quick glance they look like a Seal Point Siamese but on close inspection they lack the foot color due to the agouti color. Used with Agouti Burmese breedings. This is a color that will not be standardized.

Agouti Point Siamese Standard female owned by Connie & Ken Van Doren, bred by Carol Lawton. Photo ©2008 Karen Robbins.
Agouti Point Siamese Rat
APRICOT - Color is a rich, golden orange, as deep as possible. Belly color will be of a slightly lighter shade. Eye color is red. (is a Fawn with pink eyes)

Genetics: A– pp Rr? or A– bb pp Rr? or A– mm pp Rr?

Apricot Bareback Standard owned by Darla Patterson. Photo ©1996 Craig Robbins.
Apricot Rat
AUSSIE MINK - Australian Mink starts out looking like Beige, then molts into the gray Mink color. Color can be light to a darker gray. Eyes black.

Genetics: aa momo (see page 7 of the article)

Note: will not be standardized; once molted, can be shown in regular Lilac or Mink class depending on color shade

A molting Aussie Mink Blaze Dumbo owned by Jani Ramirez, bred by Hunter & Dylan Loy. Photo ©2018 Karen Robbins.
Aussie Mink rat
CHOCOLATE AGOUTI - Similar to Agouti but with Chocolate ticking instead of black and is brighter in color. Chocolate Agouti looks like Cinnamon against an Agouti but like Agouti against a Cinnamon. Not likely to be standardized.

Genetics: A– bb (Agouti plus Chocolate)

See also Hawthorn Rat Varieties: Chocolate Agouti

Agouti vs. Chocolate Agouti (a.k.a. dark Cinnamon), owned by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2015 Nicole Housel.
Chocolate Agouti Rat
COFFEE - Color is a pale gray-brown, similar to Coffee mice but of a lighter shade, not to be confused with Beige. Eye color is black.

Genetics: unknown

Coffee Odd-Eye Dumbo owned and bred by Lisa Tapusoa. Photo ©2015 Karen Robbins.
Coffee Rat
FROSTED - Frosted rats will have the tips of the hairs white but will not get more white as they age; also has silvering. Gene causes a bleaching affect by diluting the color; agouti most affected by becoming a blondish color from the original reddish-brown. Does not have a facial mask like the d’Argent. Not to be confused with silvered, Roan, or d’Argent.

Genetics: unknown (dominant gene)

Note: Frosted came from feeder stock in CA, 2014. Update: may be the same gene as the D’Argent.

Color similar to d’Argent that originated from pet shop/feeder stock by Derek Berrier/Jessica Jones Cashwell, Kadru’s Clutch, Hampstead, NC, 2012.

AFRMA articles:
Black Frosted Rat
A 3-month-old Black Frosted Berkshire Standard male owned by Emily Grammer. Photo ©2014 Karen Robbins.

Agouti Frosted Rat
A 6-week-old Agouti Frosted Berkshire Standard female owned by Emily Grammer. Photo ©2014 Karen Robbins.

Agouti Frosted Rat
A 9-week-old Agouti Frosted Berkshire Standard female owned and bred by Jeannine Porter. Photo ©2014 Karen Robbins.
GOLDEN AGOUTI - Similar to Agouti but with a very bright golden color with black ticking.

Genetics: ??

“Golden Agouti” Standard female owned and bred by Rachel Miller. From same group as Melanistic rats. Photo ©2008 Karen Robbins.
Golden Agouti Rat
GOLDEN HIMALAYAN (B.E.) - Body colour to be a pale golden cream, with points a medium sepia. Eyes black.
  1. Face – points not to extend upwards from the eyes
  2. Ears – points not to extend downwards from the base of the ears
  3. Forelegs – points not to extend upwards beyond the elbows
  4. Hindlegs – points not to extend upwards beyond the ankle
  5. Tail – points not to extend beyond the tail root
  6. Feet and tail – to be solid coloured throughout, devoid of any white toes
(English, N.F.R.S.)

Body colour to be a rich golden cream, points (face, feet, tail and tail root), to be a rich dark sepia, gradually and evenly shading into the body. There should be no sudden demarcation of shading nor large areas of the body devoid of the shading effect. Belly colour pale cream, eyes black. (English, N.F.R.S.)

Genetics: currently unproven and being researched, but appears to be a recessive modifier.
(English, N.F.R.S.)

More information:
B.E. Golden Himi Rat
B.E. Golden Himi (or Golden Siamese) Standard rat owned by Nicole Marlin, bred by Janet Picard. Photo ©2019 Karen Robbins.

B.E. Golden Himi belly
...and the belly of the B.E. Golden Himi (agouti) owned by Nicole Marlin, bred by Janet Picard. Photo ©2019 Karen Robbins.
MARTEN - [Black] Body Colour to be similar in shade to an HB lead pencil, some fading to be expected in an adult. Some light heathering to be expected. Fur on the face to be lighter on the whisker bed, over the eyes and behind the ears. Belly colour a slightly paler shade of grey than the top. Foot colour to match top. Eyes pink.

[Agouti; called Silver Agouti in N.F.R.S.] To be a mix of mid grey ticking over a pale ivory ground, with no suggestion of blue or brown tones. Ticking to be darkest along the back and to fade down the sides to the pale ivory belly. Fur on the face to be lighter on the whisker bed and around the eyes. Eyes pink. (N.F.R.S.)

Faults: rusty patches, white toes, darker points on the nose, tail root or feet.

Disqualifications: White spot on the body, white on the tail.

Genetics: cmcm (recessive; recessive to full color C, partially dominant to cs [Siamese Sable], ch [Himalayan], and either partially or fully dominant to c [albino]) (code by Nicole Housel)

Note: Discovered in 2008 by René Bastiaans, the Netherlands, from German/laboratory stock, called RED (red-eyed devil); England imported stock in 2010 and gave the name Marten. Color lightens with age. Darker colors show off coloring best, lost on pale colors. Common for marbling on the head. Can be combined with the Black eyes of the Ivory/B.E. Siamese/Burmese colors to make a B.E. Marten.

AFRMA articles:

More information (Martin Braak pages in Dutch):
Black Marten Rat
A Black Marten male. Photo ©Martin Braak, Netherlands.

Siamese Marten Rat Siamese Marten Rat
A Marten Dumbo male with points {aa cmch) owned by Erika Holbrook, bred by Bobbi Jo Zammit. Photo ©2015 Karen Robbins.
MELANISTIC - Color looks like a black agouti. Color is black on the back fading down the sides into the belly into a grayish-tan color with black ticking. Has light eyebrows. Also in other colors.

Genetics: am?? (agouti melanic)

Note: a.k.a. Shadow, Mock Agouti

Further Reading:

Research articles:
Melanistic Rat
Young Melanistic Standard male owned by Connie and Ken Van Doren. Photo ©2008 Karen Robbins. The white belly markings on these particular rats were down at the bottom instead of the top or middle like normal markings, unknown if that was a result of the color gene.

Melanistic Rat
Belly color of the young Melanistic Standard male owned by Connie and Ken Van Doren. Photo ©2008 Karen Robbins.

Melanistic Rat
Young Melanistic Standard female owned by Connie and Ken Van Doren. Photo ©2008 Karen Robbins.

Melanistic Rat
Belly color of the young Melanistic Standard female owned by Connie and Ken Van Doren. Photo ©2008 Karen Robbins.

Melanistic Rat
An adult Melanistic Standard male owned by Connie and Ken Van Doren. May be the same male as above but older. Photo ©2009 Karen Robbins.

Melanistic Rat
An adult Melanistic Standard female owned by Connie and Ken Van Doren. May be the same female as above but older. Photo ©2009 Karen Robbins.

Black Melanistic Rat
A 12-week-old Black Melanistic Standard male owned by and bred by Nicole Marlin. Photo ©2019 Karen Robbins.

Black Melanistic Rat
...and the belly of the 12-week-old Black Melanistic Standard male owned by and bred by Nicole Marlin. Photo ©2019 Karen Robbins.

Mink Melanistic Rat
A 12-week-old Mink Melanistic Dumbo male owned by and bred by Nicole Marlin. Photo ©2019 Karen Robbins.

Mink Melanistic Rat
...and the belly of the 12-week-old Mink Melanistic Dumbo male owned by and bred by Nicole Marlin. Photo ©2019 Karen Robbins.
SIAMESE SABLE - Body color to be a light brown similar to the Burmese gradually and evenly shaded over saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at base of tail. Tail color to extend down the length of the tail. Belly color to be light brown. The points (nose, ears, feet, tail, and tail-root), which are a very dark brown, are as for the Seal Point Siamese. Eye color is light ruby. Siamese Sable to be shown only in AOCP class.

Genetics: recessive; heterozygous light/show version csc; medium version csch; dark homozygous version (shown as Sable) cscs (codes by Nicole Housel)

Note: Similar to the Siamese Sable rabbits. Found in pet shop feeder stock in Texas (we first found out about them in 2015). South Africa has similar ones that are indigenous there they call Sable Siamese but so far it appears to be different (see more photos; they appear to look like our normal Siamese but with much darker points).

The homozygous version is a very dark sable color and with the addition of black-eyes looks like Sable Burmese; the B.E. version of this color in agouti looks like Agouti Burmese.

AFRMA articles:
Siamese Sable Rat
Siamese Sable Standard male owned and bred by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins.

dark vs. light Siamese Sable kitten rats
Light Siamese Sable vs. dark B.E. Siamese Sable Standard 6-week-old kitten female rats owned and bred by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins.

Agouti Siamese Sable vs. medium Siamese Sable kitten rats
Agouti Siamese Sable vs. medium Siamese Sable Standard 6-week-old kitten male rats owned and bred by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins.

Light Siamese Sable vs. medium Siamese Sable female rats with dark points
Light Siamese Sable vs. medium Siamese Sable Standard female rats with dark points, owned and bred by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins.

Siamese Sable vs. Russian Blue Siamese Sable
Siamese Sable (medium) vs. Russian Blue Siamese Sable (medium) Standard rats, owned and bred by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2018 Karen Robbins.
SILVER - Color to be an off white with a cool ice-blue cast, not to be confused with Beige or Champagne. Color is genetically a P.E. Blue. Eye color is red.

Genetics: aa gg pp (P.E. Blue)

Note: Color similar to Silver Mice.

Silver Blaze Variegated Dumbo owned by Kimberly Millspaugh & Dustin Cheek, bred by Amanda Lacy. Photo ©2011 Karen Robbins.
Silver Rat
SILVER CINNAMON - Color is a warm russet brown, with medium slate at the base of the hair. Coat is evenly ticked with chocolate. Belly color to be as agouti, but of a lighter shade. The coat should contain equal numbers of silvered and non-silvered hairs. Each silvered hair to have as much of its length white as possible–a colored tip to be allowed. Silvering to give an overall sparkling appearance. Eye color is black.

Genetics: A– mm

Note: Usually seen in Cinnamon Pearl breedings that then lose all their silvering in adulthood.

A 7-week-old Silver Cinnamon Standard male owned and bred by Karen Robbins. Photo ©2011 Karen Robbins.
Silver Cinnamon Rat
Color is gray with black markings/pattern which consists of a dorsal stripe and spots on the sides and face (most spots run together as adult). Not to be confused with Merle. Other colors possible. The color of the dorsal stripe/spots is the base color, i.e. a Black Spotted Tabby has black stripe/spots and the gene dilutes the body color making a gray background.

Genetics: unknown (dominant gene)

Note: Pattern similar to a spotted tabby cat. Breeders reporting tooth issues, lighter color teeth, megacolon in some, and failure to thrive in some litters. May have skeletal issues (one had a kinky tail). Not to be standardized with these issues; breeders are working to see if the problems are part of the gene that makes this pattern (Varitint-waddler gene in mice are tri-colored/calico colored but have an inner ear defect that makes them spin in circles/waltzers). Update 6-11-16: so far AFRMA breeders have reported no recent tooth problems. Black Spotted Tabby the best color to see the pattern. To be standardized only in unmarked Black version.

Originated at New England Reptile Distributors (NERD), Plaistow, New Hampshire, in 2013, and called it Merle, Marble/Calico.

AFRMA articles:
Spotted Tabby Rat
Spotted Tabby Dumbo male owned by Dawndee Carver, bred by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2015 Karen Robbins.

Spotted Tabby Kitten Rats
Spotted Tabby 14-day-old kittens showing their dorsal stripe and spots on the sides. The spots tend to not be as distinct (more run together) when they have a full coat. There is a Pearl in the middle and a Mink on the R side that were foster kids and a plain Russian Blue Berkshire top R. There is also a very pale colored Spotted Tabby on top. Rats owned and bred by Jozzette Hagemann. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins.

BWR Spotted Tabby Kitten Rat
BWR Spotted Tabby 9-day-old kitten showing dorsal stripe and lots of spots. Rat owned and bred by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2016 Nicole Housel, Black Wolf Rattery.

BWR Spotted Tabby 11-week-old Rat
...and the BWR Spotted Tabby kitten now at 11 weeks. Rat owned and bred by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2016 Karen Robbins.
RUSSIAN CINNAMON - Body color to be a medium brown with medium slate at the base of the hair. Coat is evenly ticked with blue guard hairs. Belly color will be a warm silvery gray. Eye color is black or dark ruby.

Genetics: A– dd mm (Cinnamon combined with Russian Blue)

Note: a.k.a. Russian Dove Agouti; known as Dove Agouti or Blue Cinnamon in mice

For more photos, see the AFRMA Facebook pages:
Russian Cinnamon Rat
Russian Cinnamon Standard male owned and bred by Mayumi Anderson. Photo ©2014 Karen Robbins.

Russian Cinnamon Rat
Russian Cinnamon Standard male owned and bred by Mayumi Anderson. Photo ©2014 Karen Robbins.

Cinnamon vs. Russian Cinnamon Rats
Cinnamon Standard female owned and bred by Karen Robbins vs. Russian Cinnamon Standard male owned and bred by Mayumi Anderson. Photo ©2014 Karen Robbins.
RUSSIAN CINNAMON PEARL - Color is a muted form of Cinnamon Pearl

Genetics: A– dd mm Pepe (Cinnamon Pearl combined with Russian Blue)

Russian Cinnamon Pearl Standard (L) owned and bred by Mayumi Anderson next to a Cinnamon Pearl (R) owned and bred by Karen Robbins. Photo ©2013 Karen Robbins.
Russian Cinnamon Pearl vs. Cinnamon Pearl Rats
RUSSIAN DOVE PEARL - Color looks similar to Pearl but with very pale gray tipping

Genetics: aa dd mm Pepe or aa dd amam Pepe (Russian Blue + Mink + Pearl)

Note: a.k.a. Russian Pearl in the NFRS. NFRS Standard:
Russian Pearl
To be a mid silver, with a creamish undercolour. The majority of hairs to be pearl tipped with grey, indispersed with occasional grey hairs. The top coat must be short and thick with a slight metallic sheen. Belly fur to be a pale creamy grey. Foot colour pale grey. Eyes Black.

Russian Dove Pearl vs. Pearl Rats
Russian Dove Pearl (L) vs. Pearl (R) Standard females owned and bred by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2018 Karen Robbins.

Russian Dove Pearl vs. Pearl Rats
Russian Dove Pearl (L) vs. Pearl (R) Standard females owned and bred by Nicole Housel. Photo ©2018 Karen Robbins.
RUSSIAN FAWN - Color is similar to the fawn but with a blueish cast and to have the distinctive ticking and coat of the Russian Blue colors. Eye color to be ruby.

Genetics: A– dd rr (Fawn combined with Russian Blue)

Russian Fawn Standard owned and bred by Liz Stauffer. Photo ©2000 Helen Pembrook.
Russian Cinnamon Pearl vs. Cinnamon Pearl Rats
RUSSIAN PLATINUM - Body color to be a light gray similar to platinum paint with a slight Russian Blue cast and to have the distinctive ticking and coat of the Russian Blue colors. Eye color to be dark ruby or black.

Genetics: aa dd gg mm or aa bb dd gg

Russian Platinum Self Standard owned and bred by Mayumi Anderson. Photo ©2011 Karen Robbins.
Russian Platinum Rat
RUSSIAN SILVER - Body color to be a light icy silver-gray with just a hint of a Russian Blue overtone. To have the distinctive ticking and coat of the Russian Blue colors. Eye color to be red or light ruby.

Genetics: aa dd gg pp (a.k.a. P.E. Silver Blue) or aa dd pp (a.k.a. P.E. Russian Blue – P.E. Russian Blue)

Note: Color similar to Silver Mice. Originally called P.E. Blue Beige or Blue-Champagne.

Russian Silver Self Standard owned and bred by Casey Gigliotti. Photo ©2005 Craig Robbins.
Russian Silver Rat
SILVER BLUE AGOUTI - A blend of light blue-grey ticking over a warm creamy fawn ground. Undercolor light silver grey down to the skin. Belly color pale silver. Pinky tinge to be a fault. Eyes black. (Agouti form of Silver Blue)

Genetics: A– dd gg or A– gg mm

Silver Blue Agouti Standard owned and bred by Karen Robbins. Photo ©2006 Craig Robbins.
Silver Blue Agouti Rat
AGOUTI BURMESE - Color 20, points (nose, ears, feet, tail) 20, evenness of ticking 10
Body color to be a warm brown, not too dark or too red, similar to Cinnamon, with a light gray-brown at the base of the hair. Coat is evenly ticked with medium brown guard hairs. Belly color to be light silvery brown. Points to be distinctly darker than body color with shading at the base of the tail. Eyes black. Agouti Burmese to be shown only in AOCP class. a.k.a. Wheaten Burmese in the N.F.R.S. (Agouti plus Burmese).

[Accepted into Unstandardized 2-9-08; removed from Accepted Proposed Unstd. December 8, 2018, and moved to Non-Recognized due to lack of entries.]

Genetics: A–cech* (Burmese plus Agouti)

Note: B.E. Agouti Siamese Sable looks like Agouti Burmese.

Agouti Burmese rat owned and bred by Connie & Ken Van Doren. Photo ©2008 Karen Robbins.

Read the article on Burmese Rat Genetics.
Agouti Burmese Rat
BLUE BURMESE - Body color 20, feet 10, tail 10, nose and ears 10
To be a warm, mid-brown with blue tones, devoid of dinginess, silvering, or patches, with distinctly darker points of the same shade. Eyes black or very dark ruby. Not to be confused with Russian Blue Burmese. To be shown only in AOCP class. (Blue plus Burmese).

Genetics: cech gg* (Burmese plus Blue)

Blue Burmese Standard owned by Rachel Miller. Photo ©2006 Karen Robbins.

* Code by Nichole Royer (see the article “Burmese Rat Genetics” in the 2007 WSSF newsletter or the “AFRMA Rat Genetics” book)

Read the article on Burmese Rat Genetics.
Blue Burmese Rat
IVORY/B.E. CREAM - Body colour to be very pale creamy white all over with no odd coloured hairs or patches. Ears and tail to be pink. Eyes black. (English, N.F.R.S.)
[originating color of B.E. Siamese and Burmese colors.]

Genetics: cic* (appeared in 1998 in Edinburgh University, Scotland. Prone to “Beige/Burmese colored” hairs/spots like the Ivory mice.)

Ivory/B.E. Cream Standard rat owned by Connie & Ken Van Doren, bred by Rachel Miller. Photo ©2007 Karen Robbins.

* Code by Nichole Royer (see the article “Burmese Rat Genetics” in the 2007 WSSF newsletter or the “AFRMA Rat Genetics” book; similar to the Extreme Dilute gene in mice (Ivory/Beige/Reverse Siamese colors)

Read the article on Burmese Rat Genetics.
Ivory Rat
Ivory Rat with beige spot on side
The right side of the rat showing her beige/burmese colored hairs above the drawn line.
RUSSIAN BLUE BURMESE - Body color 20, feet 10, tail 10, nose and ears 10
To be a warm, mid-grey with blue tones, devoid of dinginess, silvering, or patches, with distinctly darker points of the same shade. Faint light speckling or a subtle ticked effect (heathering) is usual for this variety and is not a fault. Eyes black or very dark ruby. (English, N.F.R.S.). Russian Blue Burmese to be shown only in AOCP class. (Russian Blue plus Burmese).

[Accepted into Unstandardized September 19, 2009; removed from Accepted Proposed Unstd. December 1, 2012, and moved to Non-Recognized due to lack of entries.]

Genetics: cech dd* (Burmese plus Russian Blue)

Russian Blue Burmese Standard owned by Rachel Miller, bred by Hilloah Whealser. Photo ©2010 Karen Robbins.

* Code by Nichole Royer (see the article “Burmese Rat Genetics” in the 2007 WSSF newsletter or the “AFRMA Rat Genetics” book)

Read the article on Burmese Rat Genetics.
Russian Blue Burmese Rat
SABLE - Body color 20, feet 10, tail 10, nose and ears 10
To be a warm dark otter brown with subtle darker points on the feet, tail, face, and ears. Devoid of dinginess, silvering, or patches. Contrast between points and body color not to be overstated. Any suggestion of black in the points to be penalized. Eyes black or ruby. Sable to be shown only in AOCP class.

[Accepted into Unstandardized September 19, 2009; removed from Accepted Proposed Unstd. December 1, 2012, and moved to Non-Recognized due to lack of entries. Added ruby-eye and dark homozygous Siamese Sable 9-25-16]

Genetics: Sable Burmese cece* or dark homozygous Siamese Sable cscs+

Note: Similar to the Sable rabbits. Changed the Sable Burmese standard to just Sable to encompass both the Sable Burmese gene and the homozygous version of the Siamese Sable, and eyes to be black or ruby.

Sable Burmese Standard owned by Nicole Peltier, bred by Hilloah Whealser. Photo ©2007 Karen Robbins.

* Code by Nichole Royer (see the article “Burmese Rat Genetics” in the 2007 WSSF newsletter or the “AFRMA Rat Genetics” book)
+ Code by Nicole Housel

AFRMA articles:
Sable Burmese Rat

Go to the AFRMA Rat Unstandardized page.
Go to the AFRMA New Standards/Unstandardized page.
Purchase the AFRMA Official Color Standards Rat book.

Updated December 21, 2024