American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association

AFRMA Generic Show Schedule

All exhibitors are to assume liability and responsibility to research the many zoonotic and other diseases that rodents may carry and pass on to humans or other rodents. You are showing at your own risk.

Any new animals you bring into your rattery/mousery must go through a minimum 12-week quarantine period before being entered in a show. [Effective September 15, 2018]

Breeders should be testing new stock brought in as some diseases have no symptoms.

Animals are NOT to be handled at the shows other than by the owner, health checkers, and judges.

CHECK IN TIME (Regular Shows; begin 11): 9 to 10 A.M. Entries will be refused after 10.

CHECK IN TIME (Annual Show, begins 10:30): 8:30 to 9:30 A.M. Entries will be refused after 9:30.

Exhibitor/Seller’s Form All exhibitors/sellers must submit an Exhibitor/Sellers Form prior to/with entry for each show [Amended 12-7-19]. (use as many pages/forms as needed; PDF; form interactive so you can fill in then send as an e-mail attachment in the Adobe Acrobat PDF program – pic of envelope on top Send file as email attachment, or save the PDF file after you’ve filled in all the information and go to your e-mail and attach that saved file to an e-mail and send to us; if your Internet browser does not use Acrobat to view PDFs, download Adobe Acrobat to your computer, open the form in your browser and save the form, then open the form in Acrobat on your computer and fill out and send using the above instructions) [Added October 14, 2017]

ALL ANIMALS WILL BE HEALTH CHECKED: This is for the health and safety of ALL the animals at the show. Health checking is done during check-in times only. For the health and safety of animals not entered in the show or there to sell, do not bring your pets. If any animal in a cage does not pass health check, the ENTIRE cage does not pass and no animals from that cage may be shown or sold! Cages that do not pass the health check will be put behind the AFRMA sales table until the end of the show. If you have a solid partition divided cage, each unit is considered a separate cage. Wire divided cages count as one cage. Update: Animals are to be brought in individual solid-sided carriers. {Effective September 15, 2018] Please read the Disease Control sheet.

HEALTH CHECKERS: To be announced.

EXHIBITORS: In an effort to educate the general public about the dangers of cedar and pine, we ask that you use an alternate bedding in all of your cages at the show. If needed, aspen bedding is available for your use from the show secretary at no cost.

Remember that the animals seen at our shows are representing their species as pets to the general public. Please make sure your cages are clean.

Exhibitors must use the bedding provided by the club in all show boxes.

MINIMUM SELLING PRICE FOR SALES ANIMALS: Animals for sale must belong to the seller (must be a member of the club, and the animals must pass the health check). The starting price for mice/hamsters will be $7 each; rats $15 each (you can charge more, but must start at the minimum price). There will no longer be “free” litters allowed. [changed minimum prices June 13, 2015]

RESCUE ANIMALS: There will be a maximum of 2 animals per show, per seller (must be a member) allowed, except for those recognized by AFRMA as warranted rat and mouse recyclers, with a minimum of a $5 adoption fee per animal for mice/hamsters, and a minimum $10 adoption fee per animal for rats. Rescue animals must pass all health checking/selling criteria.

SALES PERMIT FEE: The price for an animal sales permit to members will be $10 per person; $30 for a yearly permit. A permit must be purchased for pre-sold delivered animals and the animals must pass all requirements. [changed fees June 13, 2015]

SALES ANIMALS/ITEMS: All animals/items for sale must be on the Sales Table at the shows or you will not be allowed to sell. Members are the only ones allowed to advertise animals or other items for sale at the shows and must be present to do so. You must be signed up to sell and paid for by the show deadline. Runts or babies from large litters will need to wait longer before being offered for sale as they will not be approved to sell at 6 weeks of age for rats/mice 5 weeks. [Kitten Rat Weight Guidelines at 6 weeks: males to be 8 oz/approximately(~)236 g, females 6 oz/~177 g; 4 month females 11 oz/~311 g.] You must have owned the mice for at least 5 weeks, rats for 6 weeks. You will only be allowed a total of 15 animals per species. See the Notes & Rules page for details. Sale animals should not have anyone handle them other than people serious about buying them. Bring your own carriers for new animals you bring home.

JUDGING TIME (Regular Shows): 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

JUDGING TIME (Annual Show): 10:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.


Pet Rats
Non-Regular Rat Classes

(See Show Classes page for complete information)
Unstandardized, Unstandardized Breeder, Kitten, Breeder’s Group, Brood Doe, Most Matched Pair, Progeny (Get of Sire & Produce of Dam), Stud Buck, Youth, English (Annual show only)

Regular Rat Classes

(See Show Classes page for complete information)

Pet Mice
Non-Regular Mouse Classes

(See Show Classes page for complete information)
Unstandardized, Unstandardized Breeder, Kitten, Breeder’s Group, Brood Doe, Most Matched Pair, Progeny (Get of Sire & Produce of Dam), Stud Buck, Youth, American Mouse, English (Annual show only)

Regular Mouse Classes

(See Show Classes page for complete information)


(See Pet Show Classes page for complete information)

EVALUATIONS: We are offering “Evaluations” several times a year by appointment. This is for animals that you would like to breed but may not be show quality (i.e. nicked ears, missing tail tip, etc.) and you need an expert opinion. Fee is $2 members/$3 non-members per animal. You will get a judging card filled out for each animal. There will be no awards given. Age to be 5 weeks and over on mice and 6 weeks and over on rats. Please keep in mind that kittens change and should be evaluated later. You will need to print out the EVAL form (member or non-member first pages with the back side last page–use just one sheet of paper; now interactive so can fill out before printing) and list the animals to be critiqued, fill out the top part of a judging card with the name/id and color/section/variety for each animal, and bring them with you. You will also need to submit the Exhibitor/Sellers Form prior to/with entry. Evaluation critiques required on all breeding animals to apply for Registered Rattery/Mousery. [Effective April 21, 2001; changed ages April 25, 2009; modified March 7, 2015, to having EVAL Day several times a year; added Exhibitor/Sellers Form October 14, 2017; Eval by appointment 9-15-18]

CLERKS & STEWARDS: To be announced.

AWARDS: To be determined.

Annual Show Only: Challenge Trophies will be awarded to AFRMA members winning Best in show, Varieties, Sections, and some Non-Regular Classes. These trophies are awarded only at the AFRMA Annual show, and may be kept for one year with a deposit (refundable upon the return of the trophy the following year). Certificates will be issued to commemorate the winning of a challenge trophy. Any member winning the same trophy three times (not necessarily in consecutive years) will obtain permanent possession of that trophy.
Challenge Trophies – Rat
Challenge Trophies – Mouse

SPOTTIE GUY PERPETUAL AWARD: A plaque has been donated in memory of Spottie Guy (Nancy Ferris’ special pet rat). This “Spottie Guy” memorial award will be given to the rat who wins the largest number of pet rat classes over the course of a calendar year (January-November). Only Best Pet classes will qualify and none of the “other” pet classes will count.

SHOW BOXES: Rental cost – $2.00 per box per day (rent 1 box per animal). All animals must be shown in AFRMA show boxes except in Trick, Costume, Rat Race, and Curious Rat classes. Note: for Pet Classes only, exhibitors may provide their own Kritter Keepers (or equivalent brand/size) (lg. for rats, medium for mice) (Effective March 7, 2015)

REGULAR DRAWING: Bring your rat or mouse related donations! The price of the tickets for the regular drawing is 3/$1 or 1/50¢. (not at every show)


9–10:  Regular Show Check in/Health Check at this time only
8:30–9:30:  Annual Show Check in/Health Check at this time only
11:00:  Regular Show Judging & begins. Pet classes will be judged at a separate table while Regular/Non-Regular classes are being judged. Both will begin at 11.
10:30:  Annual Show Judging & begins. Pet classes will be judged at a separate table while Regular/Non-Regular classes are being judged. Both will begin at 10:30.
12:00:  Lunch Break
2:00:  Approximate time for Drawing (if there is one)
4:00:  Approximate end of show
4:00–6:00:  Clean up

SUPPLIES: Please order TODAY what you think you will need at the next AFRMA show. You must order in advance. All large bags of food and bedding must be pre-ordered as there will be none available at the shows. Please send in your supply order form no later than two weeks before the show. No orders will be accepted after the deadline.


Updated October 2, 2024